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Dr. Adel M Sharaf, P.Eng.(NB, ONTARIO, EGYPT), SM-IEEE.
President and Engineering Director:
Dr. Sharaf obtained his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Cairo University in 1971. He completed an MSc degree in Electrical engineering in 1976 and PhD degree in 1979 from the University of Manitoba, Canada and was employed by Manitoba Hydro as Special Studies Engineer, responsible for engineering and economic feasibility studies in Electrical Distribution System Planning and Expansion. Dr. Sharaf was selected as NSERC-Canada research-assistant professor in 1980 at University of Manitoba. He joined the University of new Brunswick in 1981 to start a tenure-track academic career as an Assistant professor and he was promoted to Associate Professor in 1983, awarded tenure in 1986, and the full professorship in 1987. Dr. Sharaf has extensive industrial and consulting experience with Electric Utilities in Canada and Abroad.
He authored and co-authored over 790 scholarly Technical Journal, Referred Conference Papers, and Engineering Reports. He supervised over (50) Graduate Student (27-M.Sc & 13-Ph.D.) since joining Academia in July,1981.
Business and Consulting |
He is the President & Technical Director of both Sharaf Energy Systems Inc. & Intelligent Environmental Energy Systems, Canada Inc. of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Research Interest |
Research areas include Power Systems and ElectroTechnology, FACTS Technology, Protection, HVDC Transmission, Smart Grid, Micro Grid, Renewable Energy Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, Harmonics and Power Quality, Protection, A.I-Soft Computing (fuzzy logic, neutral networks, genetic algorithms applications in electrical systems), Multimedia/Internet enhanced Learning, Discovery and Blended Learning, Self-Based Learning, Electrical Apparatus & Systems & Energy Delivery, Electrical Measurements, Energy-Efficiency/Electric Energy(Audit & Efficiency Enhancement), AI Soft-Computing Applications, Electric Utility Grid Systems (Planning, Operation, Control & Protection and Security) and Environmental Pollution Abatement Devices & Systems.